habbyのもう一つの新作ゲーム、その名も「Capybara Go」。iOSの一部の国でソフトローンチされ、グローバルリリースまであと少し。このゲームがどのようなものなのか、そして私の感想を紹介しよう。Habbyはarchero、survivor.io、kinja run、sssnaker、Souls、punballのメーカーです。下のコメントで感想を聞かせてください!
高品質のゲーミングチェアとギアをお探しですか?コード "iPICK "で20%オフ
フラッシュ XL レボリューション アップグレード・シリーズ
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ディスコードに参加: https://discord.gg/287HQhcQ5c
🎮Xbox シリーズ X https://amzn.to/3HNvNi0
プレイステーション 4 https://amzn.to/3tRSUm8
ニンテンドースイッチ https://amzn.to/3xF9iHC
タートルビーチ・リコン 500 https://amzn.to/3zSLl2h
🎙Rode Pod Mic https://amzn.to/3Ncuavx
マイクブーム 🎙 https://amzn.to/3HNwqbm
💻MacBook Pro https://amzn.to/3A4YCoi
ゲーミングPC https://amzn.to/3xP7XOA
iPhone 12 Pro https://amzn.to/3zWQSEU
ロジクール ブリオ https://amzn.to/3yb4vPw
🟩 Elgato Green Screen https://amzn.to/3OtNsgQ
新型リングライト 💡 https://amzn.to/3biutaT
Ewin ゲーミングチェア https://bit.ly/3O85Fkw
キネマスター https://www.kinemaster.com/?lang=en
Instagram: ipickmybuttgaming
PayPal: paypal.me/iPICKmyBUTT
ティースプリング https://teespring.com/stores/ipickmybutt
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What's your thoughts on this update? JOIN the Discord -> https://discord.gg/XN58HhQ4vh
they also added actual description to items that had special skills like judgement, now we fully know what it does
im hoping for a new update with arcanas for the whisperer and freya
In hero section thre is also bone and other legecy which has also option to upgrade but upgrading only gives globle hp def and atk
So it is worth upgrading
And it cost 5 elite pact
Mr Butt Picker, what does more damage? 2x Bloody Grails or 2x Reckoning Badges. Are those a good idea to go for?
The dark knight skills were only 3 before, yes, surprised they added a 4th. I used to fight him everytime in the earlier chapters, then around chapter 60 I was getting my ass kicked so much by everything else that I just skip him now lmfao, it was nice for the early chapters tho, useful
Wonder how many people really misclicked S-gear and turned into an upgrade material for habby to go "ok, here you go, a lock" 🤣
2:22 Was this already here or am I just thinking about something else?
big day for me lol, i got a demonic eye in 210, but sadly i had a lapse of judgement and chose a legendary skyflame instead of a legendary durian. Darn that was dumb lol, but itl serve me well until the next durian banner. Also, do you happen to have any information about this supposed LunarNewYear event? Many people keep spamming people to save their gems, but unless theres info that it will be as good as christmas fishing, im spending mine.