🥺 PK XD IN 2019 VS NOW

💁Hey, I’m Mxim! ❤️ A PK XD Youtuber! 🫶🏻 I hope you will enjoy my channel! 😁

📺In today’s video, I will make comparisons between the old PK XD (2019) and now!

🎮 https://pkxd.page.link/eNh4

➡️Tiktok- https://www.tiktok.com/@mxim_pkxd

➡️Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/mxim__pkxd

➡️Discord- https://discord.com/invite/H7QU9ERx

⚠️Credits: ​⁠​⁠@cambo5286, ​⁠​⁠​⁠@A1starGamer, ​⁠@liyaytpkxd and of course ​⁠@PKXDUniverse on YouTube/TikTok

You can ignore the hashtags 😅❤️

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❤️🫶🏻 ​⁠@CanalDaRoxy ​⁠@DreadBoyPKXD


33 评论

  1. Yeah a lot of changes but still pkxd game is boring specially if your spend a lot of time on this game… They're is not enough activities for all the pkxd gamer this so annoying hopefully pkxd fix this problem

  2. I joined pkxd on december or november 2019😢 it was the best i enjoyed it before pk xd admins released the ugly feature to trade pets and make things so complicated and the most important thing there are many crappy peeople who treat noobs unfairly i really miss old pk xd😢

  3. Really? I miss it…😥
    Your video is in next lvl ↗every time.🕚
    Also ur voice👤 is cool.😎
    Did u miss 2019🙇😓
    I saw ur t shirt 😳it is very expensive😵 bcz it is 2019 item
    U made me cry😢i misss 2019 pkxd😩
    I join pkxd in 2020😑 and i have xmas hat 😆is it expensive?🔚👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀


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