habby 的另一款新遊戲,這款遊戲叫做 Capybara Go。此遊戲已在部分國家的 ios 平台試玩,非常接近全球發行。我將引導您了解遊戲的內容,並給您我的想法。Habby 是 archero、survivor.io、kinja run、ssnaker、Souls 和 punball 的製作人。請在下方留言告訴我您的想法!
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What do you think the rewards will be? JOIN the Discord -> https://discord.gg/XN58HhQ4vh
at first the game gives a steady flow of earning gems just by playing the game. but everytime there is a new event, they introduce new currencies. really devalues the gems people save up for. sure it definitely tempts people into spending. but man it feels unethical. 😅
Well i used to be able to save up gems for black market and occassional gambling on equipments now its all shoved down to these events. Hate it so much but nothing I can do if I want to advance. How are they going to milk for more profit after this? first the legacy upgrade system requiring unique and rare resources, then some arcana followed by loads of them on pets and equipment, then comes brands/heroes. Wait, i supposes thats it? arcana for brands and heroes. Also since we just got adventurers ( still stuck on piggy cant even use the second synergy slot lol) there is probably also gonna be arcana adventurers lol. Each with their own gacha system to roll for coins or telescopes or whatever and of course there is no other way to get it but to use gems or real money.
they started to give us every "dream item" pack in a month in luck based gaming and call it "event"..now tell me this is not another "jackpot apps" with different ui..it's not that they losing profit, they just get greedier..
What kind of a-holes are they? Why can't they just have the same currency, and pity as the treasure event on all of these other "similar events".
Well now we got talents 2.0
f2p players, is so hard to get UP CP T.T, chapter stuck, dungeon stuck, etc stuck
I don't even have dragon girl yet or even arcana skysplitter bruhh
If i am a whisperer main legend +3 and rn i use ranger on tier 3, should i start switching to upgrade ghost legacy instead? Please help explain the reason.
These kind of events are really bad, I stopped saving gems and been using every single one on the wishing witch haha, really need to upgrade those heroes. If this one finally ends up having elsa statue well damn
Yeaaaay more pay to win let’s gooooo🎉🎉🎉🎉
Oh so no adventurer lol, i finally saved the gems as a f2p to get the dragon girl and this thing appears :/
No…. Not another one… please dont… I still need to get my 2nd mythic judgement ring
I honestly don't know what is worse, the constant P2W events or the laziness of just copy/pasting the same event with different skins lol😂😂
This whole saved luck thing is crap if they just keep adding different types of events that start you with 0 luck. More P2W once again.
bishop staff video next? c: