Another new game by habby and this one is called Capybara Go. This is soft launched in select countries on ios and very close to global release. I’ll guide you thru what the game is about and give you my thoughts on it. Habby is the maker of archero,, kinja run, sssnaker, Souls and punball. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
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I would never spent money on this type of apps, they are not video games cause they have no end, there is no story, very repetitive you keep doing the same thing over and over, and as u sayd, u can spent 10k, 100k u still don't know where u are…. Habby famos for make people bored of they own games
how to get elsa statue? I just unlock immortal pets but I don't see where to get arcana
Bro you could of donated to charity but instead you waste it on shitty mobile games whose only purpose is to get money from you. How are you so stupid?
Idk what you wanted to acomplish here but this is just pathetic, this game is fun enough to me so that I dont care about ptw players but there are ppl out there spending 3 GRAND ON A CAPYBARA GAME
dem thats one a hella high end gaming pc.
Why are you not using Whisperer?
A player with 3.8B power dealt 32,185B damage in Guild Raid. How is that possible? Each boss has limited HP. Must be a bug
10:52 Please brother, can you answer me 🥺 , I’m F2P and i’m not sure which one I should exchange between S-tier Hero chest or Selectable Equipment Chest 🥺 i’m at Warrior 2-3, I have only 1 Hero (Undead Priate -Uncommon)
Sua conta avança muito mais, eu tenho 480M de poder e estou na fase 92. Build de whisperr.
I spent about 150 bucks and feel like its enough. 3000 is what I use to travel every few months lol, no way im using that on games. (Im top 2 on my server, chapter 78)
when below CP 50M, in Dungeon Dive, how many consecutive floor can you go with one ticket ?
Why u didnt use whisperer mystic?
May I ask if you know how to switch devices but still possess the same account?
Meanwhile me feeling bad for spending 400€🤣😭
How much do you think someone like g19 with 2.6B+ power(probably way more rn) have spent?
3k dollars is like a 1year salary in my country 🙁
I got make a game like this eazy money oh you want to be on the leaderborad 3k thanks
A new subscriber here, i love the contents. Been playing the game for free for about a month now.
A suggestion : maybe you can make another account and play the game for free, so us pure f2p can compare how f2p and p2p progress differently ?
Thank you. Keep it up !
Since I reached the New World and earned the Second Mate title, I've been cutting back on my spending and playing at a more relaxed pace. It does feel more enjoyable now! (better for the wallet too lol)
Hey iPICKmyBUTT, ive been enjoying your content! Need your advice tho.
Im building a mythic nomad, but for the time being is legendary nomad or legendary whisperer better?
With that, should i choose succubus or reaper for my legacy hero option? (I alr got knight of end)
I love the point stated on the first minute, can't blame us Gacha is indeed have a certain joy for us
Thank you for being transparent about this, really appreciate your content. I am at 100mil power struggling the most to get equipment designs, and im at 10k power stones, could we get some tips (i am maxing weapons and armor first)
For the books, is there a reason you picked skeleton? Is that the best one?
Some tricks for hunting red equip.. dunno it was happen.. sometimes happen to me when i rebuild my red item to s gear item red and i got offer pack 99.99$ for 1 red gear s.. its more cheap 😂😂😂
Well iam f2p , never spent money on games in my life , put i was thinking of getting the add free card for a lot of time now , if you comment then i will make my very first purchase, if i only buy the add free card will i still be f2p ?
Like that's literally the lowest cp of the One's guild member (Mommy's guild), up to 5b+
Hey brother, what's up ❤
Wooww thats a lot of money but also a lot of progress! Also I wanted to ask you what would you recomend me choose from the event shop, the arcana statue for my angel bow or an s grade hero?
How did you get the elsa statue? Must have opened like 1000 of those green boxes, but with no luck. Is there any other way to unlock her?
What should i get whisperer or angel bow?
I've seen a guy that has probably spent 30k. My guild is #2 this cycle against another guild with a player called Potato that has like 3.6B cp and climbing. He does more damage than the rest of his guild + my guild combined. I think he has done like 5 trillion damage to the guild raid bosses. He is some kind of insane sky splitter build.
Correction: I'm completely off. He has already done 15+ trillion damage. He has done more damage single-handedly than the rest of his guild and all the rest of the guilds and people in the entire bracket combined. Significantly more actually. More than double everybody else in the bracket combined.
I'm still undecided about choosing a hero between the reaper or knight of the end, I already have the dark knight. which one do you think you will choose?
can i ask for advice? i have mushroom hammer and 2 holy grail and when i get the UP chest i plan to get the whisperer since im going for crit build, but i was also thinking, the mushroom hammer was already kinda good and i should get another holy grail so i can promote it to legend tier (that 60% dmg boost seems nice) which do you think is better? nice video btw!
So after buying the arcana statue for slime king it has a ability that increases the sword chi dmg by 50 percent so I was wondering if it was better to use the skyplitter over the whisperer
Will the fishing event be reset after 1 week?
DAANGGGG that reaper skill looks cool. I was very tempted to get it, but given im definitely too underleveled to use it, ill just get the knight for more progression.
Also! I am looking to move to counter instead because I realise the durian brings me much joy. Do you have any reccomendations for the mount I should use? Its gotta be dragon or diego, but im not sure which one is best.
God dammmmm!!!!!!!
you should open new account and play without buying anything
whew, 3000, and to think the last video you made on this was 750 or something haha, well at least you have the monetization of the videos to make it up, personally I've only bought 3 things: both gem funds, both tower funds and the onion knight armor from that one event because of the dark souls reference. Other than that, I really don't see any reason to spend more money on it, though I was tempted to do it on the arcana Elsa statue, but that was a bit too much, it would have been nice to have Elsa also freezing but oh well. Maybe whenever I meet the monetization reqs, I can throw a bit more money on it but for now, I'll enjoy watching these vids from the perspective of someone that can and has spent a lot haha. ALSO, Merry Crimbawls!
Man I wish I had money to spend on games, being f2p is hard. It's cool to see from the perspective of someone who spends. Nice video.