TFT New Set 13 Gameplay | Visionary Morgana Reroll
Dishsoap on set 13 patch 13.4 plays Visionary Opener and sees that Renata is hard contested in the lobby. So he decides to commit and Reroll Morgana instead as his main carry. He hits her to 3-Star with perfect items and plays Visionary Leblanc as his secondary carry.
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#Dishsoap #TFT #Comps
morg is so good with pyromaniac
Why do you try and talk like k3soju it’s really weird.
can someone link his playlist omg
"hidden 1v9" had a visionary and robot emblem plus visionary augment and free malz…. yes
Idk if it’s just me, but I think there is a hidden rule behind the anomaly’s, I played 10 corks games recently, and somehow I’m getting infectious anomaly or center of the universe every game. Is it just me got lucky?
Morgana ap scalling is insane.
"fuck it level 9 just hit"
why you talk like k3soju lmao
I can hear the TISM in ur voice. Nice video!
24:57 why remove the 3rd item on singed, really curious how is that a smart move
if you stopped trying to use the tft accent 11:14 may have been understandable
Idk ig Morgana with Automata Emblem almost unli casts the proc?
never take one renata!
Dishsoap my favourite fat pig tft streamer ❤
bro i literally started abusing this 2 days ago and now so many ppl will contest this
Hey dishsoap, I got contested in this line a couple of times if you have frying pan you can put in Irelia. If she takes damage that overflows the shield for some reason that damage is already gives her mana(not sure if this is a bug or intended). She shields so much due to visionary mana. It also gives you 4 sentinel + rebel at 8 with illaoi. I generally swap to this after chem-baron cashout since chem-baron doesn't give any life because you never saved any shimmer. Also about the carrosel 3-4 it is possible for no tears to appear but only if there at least 2 spats due to the last change riot made
bro how did the enemy mundo die at 24:08? if it's the stat feeding aug, I thought it eats the nearest one?
Isn’t 6 vis Morgana’s frontline blackrose?
if you hit the Elise, do you put in Sion or is chem the way?
Morgana carry was not in my bingo card of Dish's videos of set 13.
Thanks for uploading. By far (maybe contested by keane) my favorit tft youtuber.
LOL the Twitch empowered autos just did not work cause other guy put Artillerist spat on him. Saw someone mention it on Reddit and sure enough in the final fight the empowered autos do not pierce and it doesn't even look like he got the increased attack speed.
Don't think it made a difference overall but funny interaction.
voidling epitaphe completely salvaged this game lol
Wow that chem baron item swap against smeech is genius!!!!
I’m happy she got Buffed my girl deserved to be buffed after being trasy for so long
Dont you just love it when people without an augment or even proper items contest you and refuse to pivot 😀
20 seconds ago is very intimate im touching the dishsoap on my kitchen sink right now
Wow first