Capybara Go! EVERYTHING You NEED to KNOW About the MYSTIC SEA Event!!

Another new game by habby and this one is called Capybara Go. This is soft launched in select countries on ios and very close to global release. I’ll guide you thru what the game is about and give you my thoughts on it. Habby is the maker of archero,, kinja run, sssnaker, Souls and punball. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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  1. use 64k gems on both this event and the adventurers event its quite stupid to save so much gems for this kinds of events then receiving nothing in return im beginning to lose faith in this game its just sad though i really enjoyed this game i hope they will do way better

  2. agre on highlighting that all these wheels feel very p2w, if the wheel is available for an entire week, making it exciting for people, maybe make daily login bonuses for entries or something similar to promote engagement

  3. Ah, so here she is, and exactly when I'm gemless because I've been throwing it all to the wishing witch to catch up on that front, welp, guess I'll save 32k for the next time, sorry Elsa, I'm desperate to upgrade heroes right now.
    Edit: WAIT, it only gives 50 shards if you already have it? so you can't even upgrade? what a scummy thing to do. Yeah these spin2win whale events suck so much, hope to never see another one of these again

  4. Got lucky and hit the jackpot before the pity. Didn't have to spend much above the gems I had already saved up. It really stinks that they keep doing these events without a way to even have a shot at getting it without spending money outside of incredible luck. Hopefully the devs listen to the community. I've known a bunch of either f2p or low spenders who have abandoned the game entirely bc of how over the top they are with the P2W stuff and that's not healthy for the long term viability. You can't run a game entirely off whales. You've gotta keep the free players and the low spenders interested. Habby needs to learn this lesson sooner rather than later because this is a fun game, it just needs to be made more accessible.

  5. The greed in this game’s events is getting out of hand. The gameplay has become so monotonous, and the gacha event system feels incredibly lazy with its repetitive concept. I can’t help but wonder if the game’s revenue has dropped or something, because the quality has taken such a nosedive. It’s really disappointing to see how bad it’s gotten.

  6. I'm usually really positive about this game but I really need this elsa but the things I need are always from the wheel spins…kinda sucks but at least it's a guaranteed after a few months

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