Building an Amazon Adventure where guests can walk over logs floating in the water in a habitat full of Capybara & Capuchins!
🌍Watch the whole zoo being built from episode 1 here
00:00 From Amazon to Andes
04:53 Building an Animal Encounter
10:41 Animal Enrichment
14:13 Amazon Adventure Cinematics
🏅Join the channel to to become a Bellemont Zoo Explorer! Members get their name added to the Explorers Fountain in the zoo’s main plaza, special access to our Discord & an Explorers Club badge next to their comments!
🐧A collection of the habitats in Bellemont Zoo & the workshop items used is available on the Steam Workshop here!
💻My Setup
Intel i7-13700K
DaVinci Resolve
FiFine Condenser Mic
Check out some of my favourite YouTubers for Planet Zoo: DeLadySigner, RubleTrillions, Toves, Mike Sheets, Rudi Rennkamel, Iben & BestInSlot.
I love it! You really are top tier when it comes to Planet Zoo. I always look forward to your videos.
Also, Could you please make a collection of all the buildings outside the zoo? I'm doing a similar zoo and can't find anything!
That’s amazing 🤩
are the Nubian ibex still up there or can they access the baboon habitat . Amazing video, just love it ⚡⚡
This build is awesome, I don't think it'll be going on the workshop tho..
Thank you for the nice video!👌
If you have time can you make the glass roof area onto the console workshop please, 🎉
only ZSH could make Planet Zoo guests act like regular human beings
Your builds make me happy
Jeeez, haven't known that guest can walk on the log surface
What’s the next animals in this section?
Genius idea getting the guests to walk across the logs. Habitat looks amazing.
I always watch your videos and get super inspired!.. And then i switch on my PC play for like 20 minutes, feel burnt out and end up with a terrible build and quit till the next day as the cycle repeats itself..
I've been watching since tekton and planet wild you have helped me go from being absolutely horrible at building in planet zoo to amazing but I still don't even come close to how amazing you are!!! can't wait for the next one.
Wow that’s gotta be on of the coolest buildings you’ve made yet! An Amazon/Andes area is such a cool idea this zoo is really coming together nicely!!!
this is on another level
This is definitely up there as one of my favourite habitats. ❤
What a great concept! And that roof 😍
If you hate the doors so much, then you can watch JustGorons tutorial on how to hide them and then you can just make your own. It is all still functional and doesn’t use any mods. Hope this helps!
Nice!! Never thought of doing this, very inspriational!
You should have 570K subs, not 57K. Truly a hidden gem of YouTube. You're so creative, you explain things well, you're soothing to listen to, and you have some of the best builds on YouTube. Thanks for sharing this with us.
I didn't know you could do that with logs! I'm going to try that own zoo as well.
i have been following you for quite a while now and i get excited for every saturdays new upload, but this habitat is in my opinion the best you ever build.
Great Day for South America Enjoyers 🙂
youre really talented, but I really have to ask, how long does each of those episodes take you? it looks like a lot of work
Absolutely amazing exhibit, you have given me a lot of ideas for my own zoos
Been watching you for years now and you never cease to amaze! Amazing build as always ZSHPLAYS! Look forward to more from Belmont zoo! ❤🎉
Been a while since I've commented! I wanted to say just how beautiful this zoo is turning out! Since the release of pz on PlayStation I've been able to give it a go myself and it isn't easy! You have serious determination 🙂
He brings llamas and alpacas to the Andes, please
beautifull build
Im totally stealing the floating log path idea and will reattempt making a half dome out of triagles now that i have a visual representation of how to do that.
In your next video could you please show me Groomba the baboon? by the way love your videos
Second time me telling you this but I don't see any insects in Bellemont Zoo so please make an old insect house ruins building that would be amazing and we will all like it ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
That was cool, thing the biggest thing for me was the forage box, I normally always sink it, like with the mud baths, but you could use that trick for bigger animals as well, for if you wanted them to go up high and almost treat it like a lookout point
Amazing work, damn!
Yes another habitat which makes this zoo even better then it was before also 2 animal habitats I thought were ward ark and prezwalkianz wild horse (I don't know if I spelt that properly
Haha, I never knew you were able to do that with the logs, cool idea, top work 👌🏻
I love how you made it where the guests could walk on the logs , Also was not expecting another amazon habitat after SBZ but its just incredible how you made the half dome with the triangle glass pieces and the finished product is just amazing!
you don't need to use a guest gate the guest will walk through walls and stuff you put there so you could make your own gate
My show just dropped! Just in time for lunch ❤
So do the guests gates allow for guests to walk around like that? Or was it the barnyard pack that added like guest experiences or whatever?
Man you are the best zoo builder out thee. You, Kingpin, Torsi an Pawsbuild are such an inspiration to me eventhough i´m still struggling with the game
WOW this might be my favorite Bellemont build!!! So impressive
Awesome build, youve inspired me to try new styles beyond my typical rustic theme i go for in most of my zoos, this is awesome
Love the habitat! The guests walking on the logs is really cool, and the lush landscape and the curved glass roof combine to make a cool effect!
Can’t have a ZSH zoo without a glass semicircle!
Great idea. I love the roof. I never manage to use those triangle peices well to make them.