habbyのもう一つの新作ゲーム、その名も「Capybara Go」。iOSの一部の国でソフトローンチされ、グローバルリリースまであと少し。このゲームがどのようなものなのか、そして私の感想を紹介しよう。Habbyはarchero、survivor.io、kinja run、sssnaker、Souls、punballのメーカーです。下のコメントで感想を聞かせてください!
高品質のゲーミングチェアとギアをお探しですか?コード "iPICK "で20%オフ
フラッシュ XL レボリューション アップグレード・シリーズ
Twitchでフォロー: https://www.twitch.tv/ipickmybut
ディスコードに参加: https://discord.gg/287HQhcQ5c
🎮Xbox シリーズ X https://amzn.to/3HNvNi0
プレイステーション 4 https://amzn.to/3tRSUm8
ニンテンドースイッチ https://amzn.to/3xF9iHC
タートルビーチ・リコン 500 https://amzn.to/3zSLl2h
🎙Rode Pod Mic https://amzn.to/3Ncuavx
マイクブーム 🎙 https://amzn.to/3HNwqbm
💻MacBook Pro https://amzn.to/3A4YCoi
ゲーミングPC https://amzn.to/3xP7XOA
iPhone 12 Pro https://amzn.to/3zWQSEU
ロジクール ブリオ https://amzn.to/3yb4vPw
🟩 Elgato Green Screen https://amzn.to/3OtNsgQ
新型リングライト 💡 https://amzn.to/3biutaT
Ewin ゲーミングチェア https://bit.ly/3O85Fkw
キネマスター https://www.kinemaster.com/?lang=en
Instagram: ipickmybuttgaming
PayPal: paypal.me/iPICKmyBUTT
ティースプリング https://teespring.com/stores/ipickmybutt
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how i can get the cheapest way to get gem? except fund pack
I was wondering why hasn't you make any new vidios , turn out you changed you profile to that capybara thingy and I didn't recognize you😂😂😂😂, congrats on getting mythic dragon armor 🎉, i will get a legendary one soon😺
This is not relevant for this video but what if I forget to use my afk rewards, do they disappear?
What weapon would you recommend
S grade or Legendary?
Also right now, wisperer or angel bow which is better
Bts Great Video 🙂
Any updates on skeleton vs ranger for bow users?
what is a good mount for a whisperer? and what artifacts are good for whisperers?
Hope this game can give content that can make active players (play ++hrs/day) gain more resources compared to casual players who just login once a day then finish all quest. It would be better rather than relying solely on spending. So at least f2p players can catchup more as long as they're active.
Does mount lvl and artefact lvl carries over after you unlock a new one ?
hey dude, may i know how do i get that little elle pet?
As a f2p, i consider between Star Staff vs Bishop Staff to start collecting for legendary upgrade. Which one do you recommend sir ?
hey dude! just started playing and see alot of people spending money do you think youll ever do a giveaway to give F2P players a chance to compete against whales in their servers?
i get 18pcs of that armor but not enough armor fodders to mythic 😢
Should I prioritise advanced pet or artifact in capybara machine 🤔🤔
Can you play cookie clicker if theres like no topic to make a video about? Just asking. But hey! Hope you are having a jolly Christmas
do you think it is needed to spend money to become good at the game?
It seems that a lot of people have been experiencing better rates with the chests, i pulled a reckoning badge and revival cape yesterday at 58draws for the S gear. Maybe coincidence, maybe hidden buff to the rates? Whatever it is Im liking it.
D-Breath armour is amazing, Im working on getting mine to legendary for that juicy 40% heal.
uuuh that's a sexy mythic right there. I think I have really bad luck on the gear up chests, the only S grades I get are the guaranteed ones at 60-120-180 and selection chest, have never gotten any on the "average" spots.
Yesterday I was going to suggest making the full capybara face a permanent thing but then I thought that's a pain to edit for a whole vid duration🤣🤣
Great video pick, hope to see more tips and tricks for beginners though!