habbyのもう一つの新作ゲーム、その名も「Capybara Go」。iOSの一部の国でソフトローンチされ、グローバルリリースまであと少し。このゲームがどのようなものなのか、そして私の感想を紹介しよう。Habbyはarchero、survivor.io、kinja run、sssnaker、Souls、punballのメーカーです。下のコメントで感想を聞かせてください!
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フラッシュ XL レボリューション アップグレード・シリーズ
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iPhone 12 Pro https://amzn.to/3zWQSEU
ロジクール ブリオ https://amzn.to/3yb4vPw
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新型リングライト 💡 https://amzn.to/3biutaT
Ewin ゲーミングチェア https://bit.ly/3O85Fkw
キネマスター https://www.kinemaster.com/?lang=en
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Yo, why some of the equipment u dont use on lvl 4?
Play the chapters again give you gold, materials, and you can play events too. It takes time I know, but I’m at chapter 100 and spamming the old chapters is easy, Elsa one-shot all the enemies first day so I dont might spamming for some extra gold xD
me watching your video for some updates lol😅
at this point in game ı cant get stronger more its p2w af. ı have 150 m power and everyday ı feel weaker lol. ı cant find any item that ı want ım not even talking mythic item ı cant even do epic s item to legendary ı play every fckn day so sad
Really cool update! But hey I was just wondering, I am completely stuck on a chapter, specifically chapter 72. I always lose to this poisonous purple squid, are there any tips I should know or should I just be patient and wait for daily rewards that will improve my stats?
Amazing update! 🎉🤩
Have you seen the lvl 10 arcana for bishop?!
Also the rage cap isnt 3 anymore for wisp! Saw someone in the discord hit 76 dagger hits.
Also judgement ring with lvl 1 arcana will always be giving judgement. As the cooldown goes from 3 to 2 rounds.
Very interested in more of this stuff.
I wish the game would drop patch notes instead of players trying to figure it out😅
Hey brother I want to ask you something, do you know anything about the bugs that they talk about in discords ?😅
2nd! 🎉🎉
First 🎉