habbyのもう一つの新作ゲーム、その名も「Capybara Go」。iOSの一部の国でソフトローンチされ、グローバルリリースまであと少し。このゲームがどのようなものなのか、そして私の感想を紹介しよう。Habbyはarchero、survivor.io、kinja run、sssnaker、Souls、punballのメーカーです。下のコメントで感想を聞かせてください!
高品質のゲーミングチェアとギアをお探しですか?コード "iPICK "で20%オフ
フラッシュ XL レボリューション アップグレード・シリーズ
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🎮Xbox シリーズ X https://amzn.to/3HNvNi0
プレイステーション 4 https://amzn.to/3tRSUm8
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新型リングライト 💡 https://amzn.to/3biutaT
Ewin ゲーミングチェア https://bit.ly/3O85Fkw
キネマスター https://www.kinemaster.com/?lang=en
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PayPal: paypal.me/iPICKmyBUTT
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Pls help im stuck as the pig character as my appearance even though i unequiped it
HAHA I'm stuck at the same poison wyvern but on 703, It's been like this for 4 days, can't get past it no matter what I do xD.
Finally I have my dark souls onion knight capy armor look back, was tired of seeing the pig, and the details of everything the other person is wearing is so nice, finally we can see everything
hi i have a question for diego the mount what is the best artifact that goes in combo with him
Does advance mount give power ups to our stat
hello sir.somebody in my guild said i should pick thundercloud instead of demonic eye…i use whisperer build btw..so what should i pick.
So there’s no valentine event?
I'm so happy to have my Capy.
I’m stuck at adventure 71 with 260 milllion power. I just unlocked Diego tho
the updates are nice, im pretty sure you cant see the full profile of players in arena, its still the old one. But I guess if those people are in the leader boards you can find them there XDDD
Dragon Girl is still the best especially for Combo/Counter Build or Prince Bear is better ?
wasnt the hotfix like 2 days ago