MOODY MERCH: https://iamsannashop.com/
⭐STAR CODE: Pizza🍕 When buying ROBUX⭐
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For business inquiries email me here: moody@optalent.com
I feel like the hopbop should be a legendary because of its bouncing!!!
I am Ava shy kind Like Love❤
Tell sana santa😂🎉😊
You live in my time🎉yayyyyyyyyyyyyy can you play today
Love the moon 🌙 🌚 pets
Starmite: orange (correct)
Puptune: green (incorrect)
Zeopod: blue or purple (incorrect)
Hopbop: teal (it seems like one they'd do random, got wrong)
Snorgle: red (correct-ish)
Moonpine: white (way off)
Dimension drifter: teal or pink (idek what that is-)
Sunglider : pink (incorrect, I wish it was pink-)
Mee too
The snorgle is reddd
Moody you can dye the glow on neon pets and make it glow any color!!!!
Hii Moody if You see this I really wanna meet u I'm subscribed to ur channel if we were to meet my user name is Fini7078
Love uuuu❤ moody
I like the snorgle ❤ u moody
Hii moody!! I haven't seen your vids for so long because of studys and all but i have one request for you can u colab with silly,sunny,sanna,cutie if ur not busy? Please 🥺 i wish u see this comment💓✨😉
Moody, I’ll love you I love your channel so much and by the way I’m 10 years old
It’s good if you get duplicates! Then you can make neon/mega! ❤❤❤❤
I Actually hatched a sunglider yesterday it reminds me of the fairy bat dragon but it took me 24 EGGS to get it tho but its very cool tho(rip to my bucks lol)
Can I have my dream pet it's a shadow dragon btw my birthday is in 9 days
I love the moonpine
Moody is sanna's sister ik it
My fave is sunglider
Moody pls friend me username Mahdalyna6 I have blond hair and some hair clips tydm
Omg moody can you tell Sanna and your friends to friend me on roblox tysm
Hiii moody hope you get lots of legendarys with the new egg!!!
Will adopt me have a Valentine’s Day update moody❤🎉
Cool🎉❤! 0:16
I got a egg
Moody when you said I think it’s gonna be purple you then said no it just glows more purple