I Spent over $500,000 ROBUX Becoming the STRONGEST Player in Anime Adventures, Getting 0.1% Unique units
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#roblox #robux
Hey nag im back still begging for homura so pls
are you play on the max graphics?
unironically, unironically is his favourite word
Bro spending thousands of rubux like is nothing💦😢😢
yo nag ill trading my sss dmg siren if u want
vote for editor getting Dio OH from nag
Gimme a dio over heaven boi
Man I came back after a year since you started anime adventures again
My user is Ikaw_crush ko display name is josh
I did all like and sub
Hey nag can you help me get unique on my dark mage too?
Do you know if you could still get eren founder?
i agree😎
Bro my dream is to get one unique I played for 2 years and not one unique 😭😭
biggest mistake was buying the 20k robux bundle(got divine and golden but no unqiue)
Stop buying rrs and buy other vc so you can go back to your room😭
I think he should get the DIO OH
I have more uniques then divines (the rarest trait i got is celestial
Nag if ur dropping like more than my entire life savings make me op in AA 💀💀🙏🙏 am beggin on my knees
give your editor dio
Nag gimme some rerolls bro
Nag you should help me get cid (my name is WhiteboardOverHeaven pls)