Catching the SECRET ANCIENT ORCA in Roblox Fisch

I just caught one of the rarest fish in the game called the ancient orca, it has a secret rarity tier. So here’s how I did it: I waited for the orca event to appear, went past the arch, which is where it spawns by the way, and got an orca migration that looks a little different. I went straight to fishing and started reeling it in and GOT it. I guess I got super lucky because there’s less than a 0.05% chance of catching this. Subscribe and I’ll help you get the Orca.

Mariana’s Veil
Atlantis was only the beginning. The world of Fisch descended into chaos when the truth about the Lost City was revealed. As secrets surfaced, reality began to warp, drawing the world into the enigmatic shadows of the unknown

Secret Orca is one of the 6 secret fish inside Roblox Fisch. The other ones are called Banana, Long Pike, Mustard, Resin, and lastly the Ancient Kraken.

#roblox #fisch #shorts



  1. I BEG SOMEONE TO PLEASE DO ME A FAVOR FOR MY LOSS… So, yeah, HEAR ME OUT, a guy named Zeus_98229 ran me a trade with my SSB Northstar Serpent for a Phantom Meg and even convinced me to put MY TRUST ON HIM AND ACTED LIKE TRUSTWORTHY(I was too dumb, in fact, he was JUST overglazing himself). After I gave him my offer, he also told me to wait because he wanted to appraise it beforehand. After all, HE UNFRIENDED ME IN THE GAME THEN LEFT. For that reason, please be reminded that not be easily tricked by anyone who you see as reliable… Especially owing to the fact that there is no system that supports trading.

    Any volunteers would be a great hand for me. Have a great day! :))

  2. Hey dat brain question Ik you might not answer and still prob say no but yeti is my favorite fruit I’ve been Trying to get it and I was wondering if u could gift me it because I really like it but if it’s a no it’s fine but just in case my user is Sammypro125ready I’m a huge fan I’m subbed and thank you.

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