Capybara Go! BEGINNER GUIDE – Global Release
Another new game by habby and this one is called Capybara Go. This is soft launched in select countries on ios and very close to global release. I’ll guide you thru what the game is about and give you my thoughts on it. Habby is the maker of archero,, kinja run, sssnaker, Souls and punball. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
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how far are you in Capybara Go!
Idk if i missed it in the video, but what is the difference between hp/atk and global hp/atk?
What the hell do you do with the jackpot horns?
3rd day playing and im on chapter 11!
I got enough coins for the arcana weapon and im planning to get the angel bow but i already have the nomad bow at legendary tier or should i go for the hero insignia ?
Man I feel like it takes forever to lvl up unless you can do the travel feature for 100 energy or 250….
Should I buy lucky silver coin in magic crystal shop?
I have a question I'm saving my horseshoes so when i get a mythic mount ill be able to upgrade it but im not sure if I was to upgrade this default mount like the crocodile would the level transfer to a new mount I get or would they have different levels.
Is that play to earn
i just started playing and idk how to get the purple still
How do I put devils blood on my weapons can you post a video
i do want to say for the chest flip minigame (10:00) i have had much better luck hitting the ones that "gleam" every few seconds. not 100% but it feels like doing it i get much better results
I love this game ❤
Thanks !
How do you get onion knight skin?
Can test dmg reduction which stacks and which doesnt? (I hav 100% dmg reduction (from pets) but going into story with battle hardened only decrease the dmg dealt for the first 2-3 rounds and the dmg stays the same throught 26 rounds)
im lowkey crying. i was 5 point short to getting the s tier equipment on the 7 day carnival
Jeti is imposibble
Hey, i want ask, if i used angel bow, should i go for freya or no?
What pet should i use?i dont have any immortal.i have all mitk and legend tho
Im low level and smt i misclicked and bought some random legacy in the shop haha. They should at least let us have some pre alert to confirm buying or not
Sir can u sort ur playlist from oldest to newest ?
Can you make like videos to go through different chapters like the ones u already passed through because I’m stuck on chapter 20 . I hope u can do this thank you 🙏!!
Cant believe your a member of cpyglobal
Amazing video as always 🔥🔥🔥