100% WORK! How To Get Legendary Fish In WINTER FISHING EVENT! | Capybara GO!

Legendary fish catching by exploiting broken line exchange!




  1. So i realized the tension level in the video only applies for Epic Rod on the beach. Different rod, different place will result in different level of tension, there are so many combinations for this and i encourage you to notice in which percentage you got epic so you know the minimum level you want to see before breaking the line

  2. the rate of getting legendary fish isnt based on # fishes you catch but the total weight you have caught. At a certain weight, you will be sure catching a legendary fish. That's why use x1 bait doesnt increase the rate but slow you down. And not everyone wants to spend hours playing with mental like that. I myself did x10 always as a f2p and get the legendary fish at some certain weight like others who doing x1, x2,x5.

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