Capybara Go! START Planning to SWITCH BACK to LEGACY Heroes!!

Another new game by habby and this one is called Capybara Go. This is soft launched in select countries on ios and very close to global release. I’ll guide you thru what the game is about and give you my thoughts on it. Habby is the maker of archero,, kinja run, sssnaker, Souls and punball. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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  1. So does the hp, atk, def i upgraded on ranger legacy have any effect when not equipped or do i need to equip the ranger legacy? Cuz i just unlocked it few days ago but im already using knight of the end and spring orchid legacy right now.

  2. I have been using ghost legacy from the beginning. If needed, I switch out the knight of the end in between but never let ghost go. The extra skill damage, bolt damage, fire damage are way better than an atk, def, hp boost.

  3. Hey bud, just wondering did u get any information when spring orchid will back or added into wishing hero list? or the last lunar year is limited hero only?
    my spring orchid is EPIC+2 just need 20 more shards to Legendary.

  4. Hey man, sorry for the unrelated question, but this is the only active community i found for this damn game.

    I'm literally stuck on level 40 Dragon's rest IV, it's already the 3rd time i'm about to beat the Boss and i get an automatic "Defeat", like i was full health and half bar shield with the boss one shot and i got "Defeat", wtf?

    Did anybody encounter this bs?

  5. I have a legend +2 ghost doll. Guildies called it a waste but I love this guy. 30% bonus skill damage and I could more reliably amp up my base stats with him rather than wait for S hero rolls that never came.

    Now that I know he automatically upgrades once I get Crybaby I think I'll be in a good spot for a solid powerspike.

  6. I don't really know what to do with the game now. Used up 32k gems for currently nothing in the dragongirl event, afterwards they came with a useless one for almost everyone and now they just abandon the next event. When will the next dragongirlevent start? Can i spend my gems on gear or will I have non to roll if the event randomly pops up again? Im honestly getting tired of the game it becomes work instead of fun

  7. The only reason I keep pumping on skeleton is because is the one closer to tier 4 for that lvl 100, I've been pumping ghost and only just reached tier 2 there because IT TAKES SO LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG, but it will be more benefitial for the skysplitter in the future, I wanted to stop pumping skeleton but, wanted that lvl 90 gear so yeah… tier 3 ghost hero is a beast for survivability with the skysplitter meta build, and definitely would be worth it whenever I get there, but with how many books it takes and the fact that each node takes 7-14 business days to complete, it'll be a really long time.

  8. Maybe theres also info how much cost upgrade ghost to crybaby, i would now i need buy books from shop or no. And maybe video about pet skills? Before everyone sayed best global attack and hp, now dmg reduce skill/basic maybe counter. If pet mutation good skill or no etc. Thanks

  9. I kinda messed up by upgrading 2 of these legacy heroes instead of one and wasted 10 of those scrolls. It's so hard to get those scrolls so I can't even get t2 on the bone legacy😭😭

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