Struggle with clearing the 7 Days Carnival Events as a new player. Check out this series where I cleared it as fully F2P player in just 8 days. Learn the tips to complete this event and get that free S tier equipment.
English and Vietnamese Captions are available.
F2P guide:
Event guide:
6 Tips:
0:00 – 0:20 – Intro
0:21 – 0.47 – Note 1
1:14 – 1:52 – Note 2
1:53 – 3:57 – Power Up
3:58 – 8:04 – Chapter 6
8:05 – Daily tasks
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do you know how to get the pink bunny suit
Cho hỏi vé đi Dragon’s Lair & Celestial Tree mình có bao nhiu cứ dùng hết bấy nhiu, hay nên save ? Hiện tại mình fail current level, mình dùng vé cho last level lấy reward, xong mình còn xem thêm ad lấy vé & dùng cho last reward luôn.
Nice video already subscribe to you. Waiting for part 3 🎉❤
Cái nhẫn lửa S lên phẩm cam có thể gây damage 1,5% máu tối đa địch từ nguồn sóng lửa khác cái nhẫn k ôg
Can you do a recommendation on the new event ❤
mua móng ngựa ở blackmarket lời lắm hả ô
Thank you! I finished the Carnival a few days ago. Your channel has the best Capybara contents. I subbed.
When you have time, could you do a break down on the chapters' mark (milestones), such as: At which chapter triggers a certain event or benefits. Best wishes to you for the new year.
Nay đầu tư mic mới hả ô
Bro cho mình hỏi là mình có thể xem sever mình mở được bao nhiêu ngày ở đâu không?
Nice vid once again!!! Hope all the new capybaras find this vid very nice explanation. Love from the Philippines 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭
(What're the best non S heroes to get btw?)