Capybara Go! – 7 Days Carnival Events (F2P Detailed Guide) Part 2/5

Struggle with clearing the 7 Days Carnival Events as a new player. Check out this series where I cleared it as fully F2P player in just 8 days. Learn the tips to complete this event and get that free S tier equipment.
English and Vietnamese Captions are available.

F2P guide:
Event guide:
6 Tips:

0:00 – 0:20 – Intro
0:21 – 0.47 – Note 1
1:14 – 1:52 – Note 2
1:53 – 3:57 – Power Up
3:58 – 8:04 – Chapter 6
8:05 – Daily tasks

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10 تعليقات

  1. Cho hỏi vé đi Dragon’s Lair & Celestial Tree mình có bao nhiu cứ dùng hết bấy nhiu, hay nên save ? Hiện tại mình fail current level, mình dùng vé cho last level lấy reward, xong mình còn xem thêm ad lấy vé & dùng cho last reward luôn.

  2. Thank you! I finished the Carnival a few days ago. Your channel has the best Capybara contents. I subbed.

    When you have time, could you do a break down on the chapters' mark (milestones), such as: At which chapter triggers a certain event or benefits. Best wishes to you for the new year.

  3. Nice vid once again!!! Hope all the new capybaras find this vid very nice explanation. Love from the Philippines 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭

    (What're the best non S heroes to get btw?)

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