Best Weapon in Capybara Go!

Best overall weapon in Capybara Go! #capybarago

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18 تعليقات

  1. I have proof of glory for skysplitter and judgement ring also Freya pet for reaper staff, should I continue with building reaper staff or switch to skysplitter, I have base 1 wep each, but should be upgrading to legendary next rotation. also I have 4 epic nomad bow ready to be legendary, I could go directly to legendary +2 if I upgrade

  2. Hi Dogzilla, can you explain about the damage reduction cap really works? is it really 75%?

    So for an example I had Basic Attack DR 75% and Skill Damage Reduction 75%, the global damage reduction wont work?

    How is it being calculated?

    Thanks man, keep up the good work!

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